"AD Holdings, Inc. (T-211 with STC SA10921SC installed) Aircraft Parts & Development Corp. (A-3 with STC SA10921SC installed) Aerodifusion S.L. (D-1190S with STC SA10921SC installed) American Champion Aircraft Corp. (7EC, 7ECA, 7FC, 7JC, S7EC, 402 with STC SA10921SC installed) Burl A. Rogers (15AC, S15AC with STC SA10921SC installed) Hawker Beechcraft Corporation (45 (YT-34)
35, A35, B35, C35, E35, F35, G35, D35, 35R, with STC SA10921SC installed (Equipped with E225-8 Engine.)) All American Aircraft, Inc. (10A with STC SA10921SC installed) Cessna Aircraft Corporation (150, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, K, A150L, M, 120, 140, A, 170, A, B, 172, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H with STC SA10921SC installed) Commonwealth Aircraft, Inc. (185 with STC SA10921SC installed) Edward Scott Kearns (Trojan A-2 with STC SA10921SC installed) FS 2001 Corp (J5A (Army L-4F)
Equipped with C75-12 Engine with STC SA10921SC installed) Swift Museum Foundation, Inc. (GC-1A, -1B with STC SA10921SC installed) Goodyear Aircraft Corporation (GA-22A with STC SA10921SC installed) Helio Aircraft Corporation (15A, Equipped with C145-2 Engine. with STC SA10921SC installed) Avion Jodel (150, DR-150 D-1190 with STC SA10921SC installed) Goodearth Organization (The Don Luscombe Aviation History Foundation, Inc). (8E, 8F, T-8F with STC SA10921SC installed) Maule Aerospace Technology, Inc. (Bee Dee M-4, M-4, -4C, -4S, -4T with STC SA10921SC installed) MICCO Aircraft Company, Inc. (MAC-125C, MAC-145 with STC SA10921SC installed) Sierra Hotel Aero, Inc. (Navion (Army L-17A)
Navion A (Army L-17B & L-17C). with STC SA10921SC installed) Piper Aircraft, Inc. (J3C-65, -65S (Army L-4, L-4A, L-4B Navy NE-1, L-4H, L-4J Navy NE-2)
Equipped with C75-12 J4A, Equipped with C85-12 Engine, J4E (Army L-4E)
Equipped with C75-12 Engine, PA-18, -18S, PA-19, -19S Equipped with C90-12F Engine with STC SA10921SC installed) JGS Properties Inc. (Quartz Mountain Aerospace, Inc.) (11A with STC SA10921SC installed) S.O.C.A.T.A. - Groupe Aerospatiale (Rallye MS880B, MS885, 100S with STC SA10921SC installed) Superior Aircraft Company (Culver V, V2 with STC SA10921SC installed) Taylorcraft 2000, LLC (19, BC12D-4-85, BCS12D-4-85 with STC SA10921SC installed) Thomas H. McClish (B85C with STC SA10921SC installed) Univair Aircraft Corporation (415-C, -CD, Equipped with C75-12, C75-12F, C85-12, or C85-12F Engine)
415-D, E, G, F-1, F-1A, A-2, A2-A, M10 with STC SA10921SC installed)"